
BreachLAN is a non profit making organisation that aims to provide four LAN Events a year. We aim to provide a comfortable environment where our customers can relax, play video games, compete in tournaments, and discuss technology and gaming related subjects with like minded individuals.

If you are in any way interested in playing PC video games, you will feel right at home at a BreachLAN event.

What to take to a BreachLAN

    A PC with 100/1000 network card fitted and installed.
    Headphones set (speakers are forbidden)
    Keyboard & Mouse
    All Power leads required to run your system including a 4-way trailing socket.
    All Games required to play at event.
    Any system disks in the event of a PC crash - optional, but advisable.
    Laptop Cooler as heat from you laptop may cause damage to the tables.

Other essentials that you may require

    Food and Drink?
    Money - Purchase of Dominoes Pizza and sometimes raffle tickets.
    Sleeping bag. (Double airbeds only to be used if two people are sharing due to restricted sleeping space)
    Deodorant (can get rather smelly after 72 hours), change of clothes?
    Mouse Mat (the tables we use are not the best for optical mice)

Please mark all your hardware with your identity as proof of ownership. Entrance and exit to the event shall be through only one door. There is no smoking in the event hall. All players are responsible for all litter they occur, please use bins provided.

Pricing is as follows for 2018

Early Bird - £30 + £1.50 - This is until 4 weeks after previous LAN
Standard - £35 + £1.50 - This is until day of LAN
On the door - £40 - At the LAN
Season Ticket - £90 - 4 LAN Ticket (please ask on forums for more information)

Spectator - £5/day. £10/event
Second Monitor / Appliance - £5/event
Customer server - £10/event

These extras are payable on the day to any member of staff


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Event Details

Reservations Until:06/08/2018 16:00
Starts on:03/08/2018 16:00
Ends on:06/08/2018 16:00