
A TFF Lan Party is a BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) event and put simply, it’s a load of people in one room with their PCs networked together for multiplayer gaming.

If you enjoy gaming either singleplayer or online, Then a TFF LAN Party is an ideal way to meet like minded people. Each event lasts 3 days, over the course of which several official prize-bearing tournaments take place in popular games.

Prizes can vary from a simple goody bag thru to cash prizes and LANpoints. But that’s not all… each event is a social occasion. Bring your own booze…! Consoles and a projector is on hand to keep things entertaining right-thru the night, so if you don’t want to sleep there’s always something to keep you occupied.

The LANs are also a good opportunity to consult with knowledgeable people over planned hardware upgrades, software and setup problems, see watercooling systems & phasechange cooling systems up close, as well as some of the top of the line hardware available from VRUK and LANFuel

Our LAN Events are currently held 6 times a year, and are priced at £30 for a LAN Access Pass or £35 for an Early Access Pass. Spectators  £5 per day, but network and desk space is assigned to paying attendees.

All you have to bring is your PC and munchies to get you through to the other side! But dont worry if you do run out LANFuel has plenty of things on hand to keep you going.


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Event Details

Reservations Until:09/12/2018 16:00
Starts on:06/12/2018 22:00
Ends on:09/12/2018 16:00